We have substantial experience defending accountants and accounting firms in a variety of professional-liability actions.
We have successfully represented accountants throughout Washington on issues ranging from tax preparation to auditing claims in virtually every area of modern accounting practice. Along with defending professional liability claims in both state and federal courts, we also offer seminar training and risk management services for accounting firms and for such professional organizations as the WSCPA.
Goldberg v. Wolf, 134 Wn. App. 1056 (2006) (deceased had wrongfully converted community property, and his estate had to repay his widow; deceased’s estate sued former accountant, alleging negligent advice; summary judgment granted, then affirmed on appeal)
Larson v. Reddington (1994) (accountant provided professional assistance in the acquisition of an orthodontic practice; client sued accountant alleging failure to follow the GAAP in the valuation of the assets; jury trial resulting in a defense verdict)