Jeffrey P. Downer and Zabrina B. Delgado won a motion for summary judgment in Haglund v. Law Firm in King County Superior Court. Plaintiff sued Jeff and Zabrina’s lawyer client for legal malpractice, alleging that he failed to present certain witnesses and documentary evidence at trial, and belatedly filed an appeal bond more than 10 days after judgment was entered. Plaintiff’s claimed damages were more than $2,000,000. Jeff and Zabrina argued that the plaintiff’s credibility, reputation, and the ultimate irrelevance of the witnesses and evidence not presented at trial were such that plaintiff could not prove the causation element of his legal-malpractice case. Furthermore, plaintiff could not show that the facts support fee disgorgement. The court granted the motion in its entirety and dismissed the action. A motion for summary judgment on defendants’ counterclaim for unpaid attorneys’ fees and costs is pending.
Mar 17, 2020